Mailing charge: $6.00 mailing for first book, $1.50 for each additional book to the same address. Order
from Brent H. Holcomb, P.O. Box 21766, Columbia, SC 29221 SC residents please add 8% sales tax.
For More Information or Inquiries E-mail Brent H. Holcomb
The single most important record for any North Carolina county is the minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Lists of deeds proved and recorded are found in the court minutes, as well as lists of wills proved or administrations on intestate estates taken out. The construction of roads and the road juries (sometimes called road gangs) who were to lay out and maintain the roads are spelled out in these records. Small court cases (usually over debt), depositions, jury lists, tax officials' names with their districts, tavern licenses and tavern rates, and care of the poor of the county are among the many kinds of records included in the court minutes.
Your Host at SCMAR, Mr. Brent Holcomb